Strategy & Budget


2024 Strategic Direction

Our goal this year is to continue strengthening our long-term commitment to our partners and communities by prioritizing multi-year grant increases, just as we did last year. This two-year project focuses on increasing the grant amount for many general operating grants as well as the allocation of multi-year grants across our portfolio. Additionally, as part of our ongoing efforts to learn and advance our mission, we are sharing more about how our programs and practices align with our values, including our commitment to racial equity. Over the course of the year, we will continue this work with more updates to follow.

Past Years' Reports

Our primary focus in 2020 was to respond to the emerging public health and economic crisis caused by COVID-19. This was an incredibly challenging year for our grantee partners and the families they serve, in ways that we couldn’t have fathomed as the year began. In addition to maintaining all of our core grantmaking during the year, we did several rounds of COVID-19 responsive grants to our partners to help them address the unprecedented demand for services they saw throughout the year. We also participated in various community response funds designed to provide cash and rental assistance to families around greater Silicon Valley. We wrapped our final grants for the 2020 Census, and transitioned our grantmaking focused on immigration, housing advocacy and economic opportunity into our core portfolio starting in 2021.

2020 Grant Data

Grants Paid

Unique Grantees

Payment Range
$850 - $500,000

Average Grant Payment

Grant Payments
