Strategy & Budget


2024 Strategic Direction

Our goal this year is to continue strengthening our long-term commitment to our partners and communities by prioritizing multi-year grant increases, just as we did last year. This two-year project focuses on increasing the grant amount for many general operating grants as well as the allocation of multi-year grants across our portfolio. Additionally, as part of our ongoing efforts to learn and advance our mission, we are sharing more about how our programs and practices align with our values, including our commitment to racial equity. Over the course of the year, we will continue this work with more updates to follow.

Past Years' Reports

Our core portfolio remained steady in 2018. We explored several new areas of focus identified by partners in the community and allocated grant funding to support that work for the next several years. We made grants to support regional efforts to prepare for the 2020 Census so that all communities, particularly those that are hard to reach, are counted accurately. An accurate census count is critical because the population data collected are used to allocate millions of dollars in federal funding to support low-income families in the Bay Area. We also made deeper investments in housing to focus on regional policy and advocacy work. This is particularly exciting given some of the promising opportunities to address the housing crisis around the Bay Area. Our team continued to spend a lot of time in the field with our partners to deepen our understanding of how we can best support families with young children living in poverty. On a slightly different note, our team spent time articulating how the foundation’s work connects more broadly to the work of its sister philanthropic entities in Wildcard Giving: Acton Family Giving and Solidarity Giving.

2018 Grant Data

Grants Paid

Unique Grantees

Payment Range

Average Grant Payment

Grant Payments
