How We Work
We aim to be nimble in our funding approach, directing our resources to organizations that center BIPOC, immigrants, women, and people living in poverty.
We identify grantees through a number of ways:
We proactively scan the landscape to identify organizations aligned with our current priorities and look to relevant research to inform our approach. We also reach out to field leaders and other funders to learn about needs, trends in the field, and nonprofits.
How We Fund
We are committed to giving a minimum of 5% yearly across our philanthropic entities, including our donor advised funds. We strive to apply best practices in philanthropy to our grantmaking. To that end we work toward the following:
Grant Process and Timeline
Our team meets multiple times a year to make grant decisions, with key docket dates in February and October. For most organizations under consideration for funding, our team conducts all research and pre-award due diligence internally with no involvement from the organization. Occasionally, when we do reach out to an organization for information, the typical process is as follows:
- A program officer reaches out for an introductory conversation
- The program officer extends a request for additional information or shares the decision not to proceed at this time
- The program officer and grants team perform due diligence, summarize information, and recommend a grant amount, term, and support type
- The staff and board meet to review grant recommendations and hear updates from current partners
- Shortly after the grants meeting, the program officer notifies partners of the decision for the grant recommendation
- Within one month of the grants meeting, partners receive formal notification in the form of an award letter and grant funds