Giving Areas | Amount | Year | Purpose |
food security | $25,000 | the food wellness program |
Giving Areas | Amount | Year | Purpose |
safe spaces | $55,000 | general support, $55,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $110,000) |
safe spaces | $40,000 | general support |
responsive | $12,500 | general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds |
safe spaces | $40,000 | general support |
responsive | $20,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $12,500 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $7,500 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $12,500 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $7,500 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
safe spaces | $40,000 | general support |
safe spaces | $40,000 | general support |
safe spaces | $30,000 | general support |
Giving Areas | Amount | Year | Purpose |
safe spaces | $55,000 | general support, $55,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $165,000) |
safe spaces | $40,000 | general support, $40,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $120,000) |
responsive | $20,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
safe spaces | $40,000 | general support, $40,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $120,000) |
responsive | $20,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
safe spaces | $40,000 | general support, $40,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $120,000) |
safe spaces | $35,000 | general support |
Giving Areas | Amount | Year | Purpose |
housing stability | $50,000 | general support |
housing stability | $50,000 | general support |
responsive | $25,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
housing stability | $50,000 | general support |
responsive | $20,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
housing stability | $50,000 | general support |
Giving Areas | Amount | Year | Purpose |
housing stability | $10,000 | Asian Women's Home, $10,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $20,000) |
housing stability | $25,000 | Asian Women's Home, $25,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $75,000) |
responsive | $10,000 | general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds |
housing stability | $25,000 | Asian Women's Home, $25,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $75,000) |
responsive | $15,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
housing stability | $25,000 | Asian Women's Home, $25,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $75,000) |
responsive | $20,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
housing stability | $25,000 | Asian Women's Home, $25,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $75,000) |
housing stability | $25,000 | Asian Women's Home, $25,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $75,000) |
housing stability | $35,000 | the Asian Women's Home, $35,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $105,000) |
housing stability | $35,000 | the Asian Women's Home, $35,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $105,000) |
housing stability | $22,000 | update the Asian Women's Home client management software and for renovation of the emergency shelter kids' playroom |
housing stability | $35,000 | the Asian Women's Home, $35,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $105,000) |
health care access | $50,000 | clinic support |
housing stability | $5,000 | general support |
Giving Areas | Amount | Year | Purpose |
housing stability | $250,000 | general support, $400,000 in 2021, $325,000 in 2022, and $250,000 in 2023 (payment three of three, total grant amount $975,000) |
responsive | $75,000 | general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds |
housing stability | $325,000 | general support, $400,000 in 2021, $325,000 in 2022, and $250,000 in 2023 (payment two of three, total grant amount $975,000) |
responsive | $125,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $75,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
housing stability | $400,000 | general support, $400,000 in 2021, $325,000 in 2022, and $250,000 in 2023 (payment one of three, total grant amount $975,000) |
responsive | $50,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $75,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $50,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $50,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
housing stability | $500,000 | general support |
housing stability | $500,000 | general support, $500,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $1,500,000) |
housing stability | $500,000 | general support, $500,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $1,500,000) |
housing stability | $500,000 | general support, $500,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $1,500,000) |
bright spots | $10,000 | general support |
housing stability | $50,000 | implementation of a new financial management software system |
housing stability | $500,000 | general support |
Giving Areas | Amount | Year | Purpose |
community voice | $25,000 | the charitable activities of ACCE in Contra Costa County |
Giving Areas | Amount | Year | Purpose |
health care access | $750,000 | the ACLU Centennial Campaign |
Giving Areas | Amount | Year | Purpose |
food security | $25,000 | CSA Program |
Giving Areas | Amount | Year | Purpose |
food security | $50,000 | general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $100,000) |
food security | $300,000 | general support, $300,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $900,000) |
responsive | $75,000 | general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds |
food security | $300,000 | general support, $300,000 per year for three years in FY 2022-23, FY 2023-24, and FY 2024-25 (payment one of three, total grant amount $900,000) |
responsive | $125,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
food security | $300,000 | general support , $300,000 per year for three years in FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21, and FY 2021-22 (payment three of three, total grant amount $900,000) |
responsive | $75,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $50,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $75,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
responsive | $50,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
food security | $300,000 | general support , $300,000 per year for three years in FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21, and FY 2021-22 (payment two of three, total grant amount $900,000) |
responsive | $50,000 | general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding |
food security | $300,000 | general support , $300,000 per year for three years in FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21, and FY 2021-22 (payment one of three, total grant amount $900,000) |
food security | $90,000 | Client Voice Pilot and Rollout |
food security | $225,000 | general support, $225,000 per year for three years, effective July 2016 (payment three of three, total grant amount $675,000) |
food security | $225,000 | general support, $225,000 per year for three years, effective July 2016 (payment two of three, total grant amount $675,000) |
food security | $150,000 | Client Data Tracking project |
food security | $225,000 | general support, $225,000 per year for three years, effective July 2016 (payment one of three, total grant amount $675,000) |
food security | $100,000 | general support |