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A grassroots food bank that provides food to residents in San Joaquin County who find themselves in emergency situations.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
food security $25,000

general support

food security $51,000

the purchase of a mobile van for food distribution

responsive $35,000

general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds

food security $25,000

general support

responsive $60,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $35,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

food security $25,000

general support

responsive $35,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $15,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

food security $25,000

general support

A domestic violence shelter that provides clients and their children with comprehensive supports, including counseling, referrals for benefits and legal services, food, and other help to get people back on their feet and find a path to independence. The only DV shelter in San Benito County.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
housing stability $30,000

general support, $30,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $90,000)

housing stability $5,000

general support, $5,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $10,000)

housing stability $20,000

kitchen renovation

housing stability $30,000

general support, $30,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $90,000)

housing stability $30,000

general support, $30,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $60,000)

responsive $15,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $30,000

general support, $30,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $60,000)

responsive $15,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $30,000

general support, $30,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $60,000)

housing stability $30,000

general support, $30,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $60,000)

housing stability $30,000

general support

A Santa Cruz nonprofit delivering an array of programs county-wide including behavioral health, family and social well-being, early childhood education, and housing services. The organization's early childhood programs includes Head Start, Early Head Start, and State Preschool.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
safe spaces $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $300,000)

safe spaces $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $300,000)

safe spaces $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $300,000)

responsive $50,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

safe spaces $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $300,000)

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

safe spaces $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $300,000)

safe spaces $100,000

general support

A national housing organization that works to create opportunity for low- and moderate-income people through affordable housing in diverse, thriving communities. It is the only housing organization in the U.S. with deep expertise in each of the three catalysts for systemic change: impact capital, innovative solutions on the ground, and transformative public policy. It has locations in 11 regions including in Northern California.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
housing advocacy $50,000

the Northern California Office

housing advocacy $50,000

the Northern California Office

housing stability $75,000

the Northern California Office

A community agriculture project focused on increasing food security and good health among low-income families from under-resourced communities in Pajaro Valley.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
food security $20,000

general support

food security $45,000

the charitable activities of Esperanza Community Farms

food security $20,000

the charitable activities of Esperanza Community Farms

food security $20,000

the charitable activities of Esperanza Community Farms

A core service agency whose Information and Referral Program provides food aid, housing, financial assistance, and referrals to individuals and families. Each year, it helps over 4,500 people.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
family support $75,000

the Information and Referral Program, $75,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $225,000)

responsive $30,000

general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds

family support $75,000

the Information and Referral Program, $75,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $225,000)

family support $75,000

the Information and Referral Program, $75,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $150,000)

responsive $50,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $30,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $20,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $30,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $20,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

family support $75,000

the Information and Referral Program, $75,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $150,000)

responsive $20,000

Information and Referral Program, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

family support $75,000

the Information and Referral Program, $75,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $225,000)

family support $75,000

the Information and Referral Program, $75,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $225,000)

family support $75,000

the Information and Referral Program, $75,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $225,000)

A multi-racial, multi-lingual, and intergenerational grassroots organization working in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties. It trains community leaders to become agents of change on issues such as housing and immigration rights and criminal justice reform. It is led by those most affected by injustice, such as low-income families and workers, immigrants, and youth.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
family opportunity $25,000

San Mateo County

immigration $25,000

San Mateo County

A community-based organization that works to develop leaders who build power through their congregations and schools. These leaders drive systemic change and improve the quality of life for families in their communities.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
community voice $25,000

general support

community voice $25,000

general support

A faith-based grassroots community organization in California’s Central Valley of 120 congregations representing over 100,000 families in Fresno, Kern, Merced, Stanislaus, and San Joaquin counties. It focuses on four initiatives to improve the communities it serves: clean energy jobs, police reform, immigrant rights, and affordable housing.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
family support $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $450,000)

family support $15,000

general support, $15,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $30,000)

family support $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $450,000)

family support $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $300,000)

responsive $110,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $60,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $50,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $60,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

family support $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $300,000)

responsive $20,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

family support $150,000

general support

food security $150,000

general support

food security $150,000

general support

A nonprofit that helps homeless or imminently homeless families gain self sufficiency through comprehensive case management that includes job training, budgeting, good tenant practices, and housing and rental assistance. Its ultimate goal is to help families obtain and maintain permanent housing and get on a path to a healthy and stable life.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
housing stability $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $180,000)

responsive $20,000

general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds

housing stability $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $120,000)

responsive $35,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $120,000)

responsive $30,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $15,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $20,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $15,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $100,000)

housing stability $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $100,000)

housing stability $50,000

general support

housing stability $50,000

general support

housing stability $60,000

general support