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A social justice organization providing advocacy, legal services and community outreach and education on issues affecting low-income and farm-worker rural residents of California, regardless of their immigration status. Their services cover a broad range of issues including housing advocacy, immigration law, labor law, worker safety, and sexual harassment prevention.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
family support $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $120,000)

family support $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $120,000)

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

family support $50,000

general support

family support $50,000

general support

family support $50,000

general support

A membership organization formed by directors of local WIC agencies that supports best practices for the WIC program through advocacy, training, and publications. It partners with 84 local WIC agencies which serve over 1.3M women, infants, and children per month in California. This represents approximately 60% of infants born in California annually.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
food security $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $180,000)

food security $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $180,000)

responsive $30,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

food security $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $180,000)

food security $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $180,000)

food security $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $225,000)

food security $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $225,000)

food security $65,000

capacity building in support of modernizing the WIC program

food security $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $225,000)

food security $25,000

general support

A nonprofit that focuses on improving the health and the environmental impacts of urban residents. Core issues include food and farming, waste and consumerism, climate change prevention and resiliency, and sustainable living. It addresses these issues through education, demonstration, replication, and advocacy.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
food security $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $300,000)

food security $30,000

racial equity implementation and strategic planning

food security $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $300,000)

responsive $50,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

food security $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $300,000)

food security $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $200,000)

food security $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $200,000)

food security $100,000

general support

food security $100,000

general support

A nonprofit that works to prevent and end homelessness by increasing the variety and supply of safe, stable, accessible, and permanently affordable homes. It focuses on equitable land use; public investment in affordable homes; and coalition building for affordable-home residents.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
housing stability $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $150,000)

housing stability $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $150,000)

responsive $40,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $150,000)

housing advocacy $25,000

general support, $25,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $50,000)

housing stability $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $100,000)

housing advocacy $25,000

general support, $25,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $50,000)

housing stability $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $100,000)

housing advocacy $75,000

general support

A legal advocacy organization that seeks to improve immigration law and policy, expand the capacity of legal service providers, and advance immigrant rights. It distributes grants to 60+ nonprofits that work with immigrant communities and serves thousands of families through workshops, training, representation, and advocacy.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
family opportunity $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $100,000)

family opportunity $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $100,000)

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

immigration $50,000

general support

immigration $50,000

general support

immigration $50,000

general support

immigration $100,000

general support

An energetic partner in Northern California’s philanthropic community that brings public and private funders and other key stakeholders together to tackle big issues and achieve shared goals.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
sector support/research $15,000

membership dues, $15,000 per year for two years ($750 dues, $14,250 general support) (payment two of two, total grant amount $30,000)

sector support/research $15,000

membership dues, $15,000 per year for two years ($750 dues, $14,250 general support) (payment one of two, total grant amount $30,000)

responsive $75,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

sector support/research $15,000

membership dues, $15,000 per year for two years ($750 dues, $14,250 general support) (payment two of two, total grant amount $30,000)

sector support/research $15,000

membership dues, $15,000 per year for two years ($750 dues, $14,250 general support) (payment one of two, total grant amount $30,000)

sector support/research $15,000

membership dues ($750 dues, $14,250 general support)

sector support/research $14,250

general support

sector support/research $14,250

general support

sector support/research $10,000

general support

A statewide policy organization that dedicates its time, resources, and energy toward increasing low-income Californians' access to healthy food. Projects have focused on improving participation in CalFresh, National School Lunch Program, and Breakfast after the Bell, and supporting efforts to improve nutrition among children 0-5.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
food security $125,000

general support, $125,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $375,000)

food security $125,000

general support, $125,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $375,000)

responsive $65,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

food security $125,000

general support, $125,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $375,000)

food security $125,000

general support, $125,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $375,000)

food security $25,000

efforts to protect benefits for immigrant families

food security $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $450,000)

food security $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $450,000)

food security $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $450,000)

food security $70,000

Healthy Food in Child Care, San Joaquin County Pilot

A statewide coalition of local tenant organizations dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of tenants to safe, decent, and affordable housing.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
housing stability $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $100,000)

responsive $100,000

general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds

housing stability $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $100,000)

responsive $100,000

The California Eviction Prevention Program, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $50,000

general support

housing advocacy $50,000

general support

housing advocacy $50,000

general support

A statewide organization dedicated to protecting children’s right to quality and affordable health care through research, policy advocacy, and community engagement.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
health care access $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $225,000)

health care access $10,000

general support, $10,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $20,000)

health care access $50,000

racial equity work

health care access $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $225,000)

health care access $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $150,000)

responsive $40,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

health care access $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $150,000)

health care access $25,000

Protecting immigrant families work

health care access $75,000

general support

health care access $75,000

general support

health care access $100,000

general support

A statewide legal services support center that works on system-wide change to secure housing, health care, a strong safety net, and racial justice for low-income Californians. It advances this work through litigation; legislative and policy advocacy; and technical assistance and legal support for the state’s legal aid programs.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
family support $120,000

general support, $120,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $360,000)

family support $120,000

general support, $120,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $360,000)

responsive $60,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

family support $120,000

general support, $120,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $360,000)

family support $120,000

general support, $120,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $360,000)

family support $100,000

general support