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A consortium of 10 clinics in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties providing high-quality, culturally-competent health care to 170,000 patients. Together with its member clinics, it works to ensure that all low-income residents have access to health care and a means to pay for it.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
health care access $22,000

CEO transition planning

health care access $115,000

general support, $115,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $345,000)

health care access $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $300,000)

responsive $50,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

health care access $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $300,000)

health care access $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $300,000)

health care access $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $300,000)

health care access $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $300,000)

health care access $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $300,000)

health care access $100,000

general support

A safety net provider that offers a nutrition center, emergency financial assistance, and homelessness services. It supports approximately 6,500 residents, including many families.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
family support $10,000

general support, $10,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $20,000)

family support $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $225,000)

responsive $45,000

general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds

family support $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $225,000)

responsive $80,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $45,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

family support $75,000

general support, $100,000 in 2019, $75,000 in 2020, and $75,000 in 2021 (payment three of three, total grant amount $250,000)

responsive $35,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $45,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $35,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $10,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

family support $75,000

general support, $100,000 in 2019, $75,000 in 2020, and $75,000 in 2021 (payment two of three, total grant amount $250,000)

family support $100,000

general support, $100,000 in 2019, $75,000 in 2020, and $75,000 in 2021 (payment one of three, total grant amount $250,000)

family support $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $450,000)

family support $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $450,000)

family support $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $450,000)

family support $50,000

general support

A comprehensive human services nonprofit providing a broad spectrum of mental health and wellness services. Approximately 160 women and children are served annually in its 14-bed emergency shelter and many more are served through its outreach programs. It also runs a family justice center which connects families to a variety of services in the region.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
housing stability $65,000

Solutions to Violence Program, $65,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $195,000)

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds

housing stability $55,000

Solutions to Violence Program, $55,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $165,000)

responsive $60,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $35,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $55,000

Solutions to Violence Program, $55,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $165,000)

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $35,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $20,000

Solutions to Violence programs, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $55,000

Solutions to Violence Program, $55,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $165,000)

housing stability $50,000

general support

housing stability $50,000

Solutions to Violence programs, $50,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $150,000)

housing stability $50,000

Solutions to Violence programs, $50,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $150,000)

housing stability $50,000

Solutions to Violence programs, $50,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $150,000)

housing stability $5,000

holiday drive or general support

A multi-sector collaborative committed to executing the vision that was outlined in the Santa Clara County 2015-2020 Community Plan to End Homelessness: No one lives outside. It helps to coordinate the work of agencies and service providers resulting in better use of resources and services for those in need of housing and homelessness supports.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
housing stability $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $180,000)

responsive $50,000

general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds

housing stability $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $100,000)

responsive $120,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $70,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $250,000

homelessness prevention system pilot, $250,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $500,000)

housing stability $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $100,000)

responsive $50,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $70,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $50,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $20,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $100,000)

housing stability $250,000

homelessness prevention system pilot, $250,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $500,000)

housing stability $50,000

general support, $50,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $100,000)

housing stability $250,000

homelessness prevention system pilot

housing stability $50,000

Destination: Home

housing stability $250,000

homelessness prevention, $250,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $500,000)

housing stability $50,000

general support

housing stability $250,000

homelessness prevention, $250,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $500,000)

housing stability $50,000

general support

An early childhood school that serves 168 children ages 0-5 and their families in a model early learning school with 16 high-quality early learning classrooms and outdoor spaces. It also provides a family resource center, library, playscape, and satellite children’s museum for community members of the Santee neighborhood and beyond.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
safe spaces $75,000

general support, $75,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $225,000)

safe spaces $20,000

strategic planning

safe spaces $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $180,000)

safe spaces $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $180,000)

responsive $30,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

safe spaces $60,000

general support, $60,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $180,000)

responsive $5,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

safe spaces $60,000

general support

bright spots $5,500

general support

safe spaces $100,000

classrooms and indoor/outdoor learning spaces, $100,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $300,000)

safe spaces $100,000

classrooms and indoor/outdoor learning spaces, $100,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $300,000)

safe spaces $100,000

classrooms and indoor/outdoor learning spaces, $100,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $300,000)

A nonprofit that helps homeless or imminently homeless families gain self sufficiency through comprehensive case management that includes job training, budgeting, good tenant practices, and housing and rental assistance. Its ultimate goal is to help families obtain and maintain permanent housing and get on a path to a healthy and stable life.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
housing stability $165,000

general support, $165,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $495,000)

responsive $15,000

general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds

housing stability $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $450,000)

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $450,000)

responsive $15,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $10,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $15,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $10,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $450,000)

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

housing stability $17,000

database project for donor and volunteer CRM

housing stability $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $450,000)

housing stability $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $450,000)

housing stability $150,000

general support, $150,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $450,000)

housing stability $175,000

general support

housing stability $5,000

holiday drive or general support

A proposition-10-funded nonprofit that promotes health and well-being for children ages 0-5. It contracts with nine community-based organizations to operate 12 Family Resource Centers which serve as go-to safe spaces and provide a multitude of community-driven services including, health programs, child development classes, family services, and referrals.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
family support $250,000

family resource centers, $250,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $500,000)

responsive $50,000

general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds

family support $250,000

family resource centers, $300,000 in 2021, $250,000 in 2022 (payment two of two, total grant amount $550,000)

responsive $150,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

family support $300,000

family resource centers, $300,000 in 2021, $250,000 in 2022 (payment one of two, total grant amount $550,000)

family support $300,000

family resource centers, $350,000 in 2019 and $300,000 in 2020 (payment two of two, total grant amount $650,000)

responsive $50,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

family support $350,000

family resource centers, $350,000 in 2019 and $300,000 in 2020 (payment one of two, total grant amount $650,000)

family support $400,000

family resource centers, $400,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $1,200,000)

family support $400,000

family resource centers, $400,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $1,200,000)

family support $400,000

family resource centers, $400,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $1,200,000)

A regional nonprofit working to create long-term change in local food systems by connecting California communities with healthy food from California farmers and expanding knowledge about food and nutrition.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
food security $90,000

general support, $90,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $270,000)

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Responsive and Recovery Funds

food security $90,000

general support, $90,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $270,000)

responsive $45,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

responsive $20,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

food security $90,000

general support, $90,000 per year for two years (payment two of two, total grant amount $180,000)

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

food security $90,000

general support, $90,000 per year for two years (payment one of two, total grant amount $180,000)

food security $100,000

general support

food security $75,000

general support

A federally qualified health center with nine locations in Santa Clara County serving 40,000 people a year, including 17,000 families with children ages 0-5 and 6,000 children ages 0-5. It provides culturally-sensitive primary and integrated care to all patients regardless of ability to pay.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
health care access $125,000

general support, $125,000 per year for three years (payment three of three, total grant amount $375,000)

health care access $125,000

general support, $125,000 per year for three years (payment two of three, total grant amount $375,000)

responsive $90,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

health care access $125,000

general support, $125,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $375,000)

health care access $125,000

general support, $175,000 in 2018, $150,000 in 2019, and $125,000 in 2020 (payment three of three, total grant amount $450,000)

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

health care access $150,000

general support, $175,000 in 2018, $150,000 in 2019, and $125,000 in 2020 (payment two of three, total grant amount $450,000)

bright spots $10,000

general support

health care access $175,000

general support, $175,000 in 2018, $150,000 in 2019, and $125,000 in 2020 (payment one of three, total grant amount $450,000)

health care access $225,000

general support

health care access $300,000

general support

An early education provider that serves families in Santa Clara, San Benito, Monterey, and Santa Cruz Counties. The organization operates nine licensed centers and maintains a network of affiliated family child-care homes for infants, preschool, and school-age children.
Giving Areas Amount Year Purpose
safe spaces $100,000

general support, $100,000 per year for three years (payment one of three, total grant amount $300,000)

safe spaces $100,000

general support

responsive $40,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

safe spaces $75,000

general support

responsive $25,000

general support, COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding

safe spaces $75,000

general support

safe spaces $30,000

Executive Director Search

safe spaces $75,000

general support

safe spaces $75,000

general support